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Corrie's Capers is a children's picture book series celebrating Scotland, its couthie culture and traditions.

Alison Page’s stories were inspired by her own pet Westie and all raise money for the charity Mary’s Meals.

Mary's Meals serves a meal a day in school for children in some of the world’s poorest countries – providing vital nutrition and an incentive for them to get to class. 

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So far we've raised



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Watch the real Corrie in action in this short movie

"We all loved having you in Primary 1 and the children very much enjoyed hearing your story and getting to meet a real live author!" 

Alison Page

Meet Alison...

Alison has published five books – The Westie Fest in 2018, The Tattoo Toorie in July 2019, Corrie’s Curling Capers in September 2020, Corrie’s Library Capers in July 2022 and Corrie's Paper Capers in July 2024. At an event you can hear a reading from Corrie’s Capers, learn more about where Alison finds her ideas, get tips for writing your own stories and hear about how these books support children in schools around the world! Each Corrie’s Capers book is relevant to multiple areas across the curriculum, so an event can complement your class’ learning in Literacy and English, Health and Wellbeing, Scots language and Social Studies. If the games hall is available you can also host your own West Highland Games or try out some indoor curling – all great fun. Alison is available for events at schools, libraries and nurseries, in person or online. “We all loved having you in Primary 1 and the children very much enjoyed hearing your story and getting to meet a real live author!”

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